A Comparative Analysis Of COVID-19 Mortality Rate Across the Globe: An Extensive Analysis of the Associated Factors


  • Vineet Jain Department of Medicine, Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research (HIMSR), New Delhi, India
  • Nusrat Nabi Department of Pharmacology, HIMSR
  • Kailash Chandra Department of Biochemistry, Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciencs and Research (HIMSR), New Delhi
  • Sana Irshad Department of Medicine, Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research (HIMSR), New Delhi, India
  • Varun Kashyap Department of community medicine, HIMSR, New Delhi
  • Sunil Kohli Department of Medicine, Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research (HIMSR), New Delhi, India
  • Arun Gupta Head Medical Affairs and clinical Research, Dabur Research and development center, India


Background: The vast variation in COVID 19 mortality across the globe draws attention to potential risk factors other than the patient characteristics that determine COVID-19 mortality, this study aimed to analyze and apply evidence-based explanation for the impact offactors associated with COVID-19-related mortality.

Subjects dan Method: This was a cross sectional study of global database for wide set of factors associated with COVID-19 mortality, ranging from disease related co-morbidities, socioeconomic factors, healthcare capacity and government policy and interventions. Data for population, total cases, total COVID mortality, tests done, and GDP per capita were extracted from the worldo

Author Biographies

Vineet Jain, Department of Medicine, Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research (HIMSR), New Delhi, India

Associate Professor, Medicine

Nusrat Nabi, Department of Pharmacology, HIMSR

Assistant Professor, Pharmacology

Kailash Chandra, Department of Biochemistry, Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciencs and Research (HIMSR), New Delhi

Assistant Professor, Biochemistry

Sana Irshad, Department of Medicine, Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research (HIMSR), New Delhi, India

Junior Resisdant, Medicine

Varun Kashyap, Department of community medicine, HIMSR, New Delhi

Assistant Professor, Community Medicine

Sunil Kohli, Department of Medicine, Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research (HIMSR), New Delhi, India

Professor, Medicine

Arun Gupta, Head Medical Affairs and clinical Research, Dabur Research and development center, India

Head Medical Affairs and clinical Research


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Vol. 6 No. 3 (2021)

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How to Cite
Jain, V., Nabi, N., Chandra, K., Irshad, S., Kashyap, V., Kohli, S., & Gupta, A. (2021). A Comparative Analysis Of COVID-19 Mortality Rate Across the Globe: An Extensive Analysis of the Associated Factors. Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health, 6(3), 307–319. Retrieved from https://jepublichealth.com/index.php/jepublichealth/article/view/323